Hopeful and Inspired: My floral halos WILL bloom for 2017!

2017 is finally here! Let's all get a jump start on all of those new year's resolutions we set for ourselves. Whether it to lose weight, get in shape, think positively, get organized, save money, eat healthy, etc...we all have set personal goals or expectations toward how we plan on living this new year. I'm all about a fresh start but I feel like my life continues to evolve with many changes as long as I put those expectations into ACTION! We all should look in the mirror and constantly tell ourselves that we CAN do it and we WILL do it. With that said, I believe in the GRIND! In order to be a successful small business owner this year, I have to make myself vulnerable to all the bumps along the way. I've been watching several episodes of SHARK TANK which continue to inspire and influence me on how new start ups or entrepreneurs expose themselves on reality tv. I find it entertaining yet scary. Last year around this time, I was starting another new chapter in my life which was acclimating to South Carolina living and reinventing new possibilities - love, friendship, career, etc. Now, this new year I have turned the page and started another adventure with my new business. It's scary to think of what will happen, wondering if my business will succeed this year, or to worry if I can financially manage it. With all these unanswered questions, I have to continue reminding myself to think positively even though it may be uncomfortable. Nothing is ever easy in life! We all have to work at it, hustle, and remain humble! I thank my blessings every day for what I have accomplished in such a short period of time. I will have to put TRUST in the process and let it flow.

Let's all make 2017 great and the best year of our lives so far!





Merry Everything and a Happy Always!

As the Christmas holiday finally approaches us, I wanted to express my deepest gratitude to my loving family and genuine friends who have stood by me throughout the process. It has been a whirlwind these past 2 months and I am grateful for what I have accomplished in such a short period time. I'm looking forward to what is in store for the upcoming year and currently creating new styles for next season's wedding season. Please check back on my website for new creations in my Lookbook for Spring 2017.

I've also been very blessed to have been able to collaborate with this beautiful blogger BG by Christina. I appreciate her lovely mention of my Etsy shop. I love how she styled the Holly floral halo with her own holiday festive look. Just P-E-R-F-E-C-T-I-O-N!  Please visit her bohemian glamour style and fashion blogger website at http://bgbychristina.blogspot.com.

Thanks again to everyone I have connected with near and far! May your holiday season be decorated with love and happiness! Happy Christmas!


Source: http://bgbychristina.blogspot.com/2016/12/...

"Little girls with dreams become women with vision!"

Tell me if I'm wrong, but weren't we all once little girls dreaming of how life would be when we became older, wiser, and grown into beautiful ladies.  I always thought I would follow the rites of passage in life - school, college, career, marriage, kids, house, etc. Life has definitely evolved since then with social media, dating apps, technology, plenty of options/choices, career development/achievement, and fulfilling personal goals in life. The list goes on and on. Oh gosh, how life has gotten more complicated! However, as I turned 39 years old this year, I learned to embrace all of life's obstacles, failures, and triumphs. And after moving to the good ol' South last year, I have been more appreciative towards simplicity, genuine relationships (family and friends), and maintaining balance in life. Some people may disagree with me because they may live a different lifestyle than I do. One thing that is a constant mantra in my mind is to live a life for what is here and now (present). We all get caught up in what has happened in the past and apprehensive to see what our future will hold. Just typing those words of the "past and the future" give me a sense of stress and tension in my chest. Breathe, Blythe, Breathe! Although my life hasn't panned out the way I originally wanted it to happen, I am so grateful for all the lessons I've learned along the way. I wouldn't CHANGE a thing in my life.  I've been blessed with new opportunities and inspiration, which one of them is this newest business venture - Halos by Blythe. With that said, I am able to see life now with "Beauty, Grace, and Inspiration." I am counting my blessings day by day and continue to thank God for never giving up on me!

Speaking of little girls, I spent this glorious Sunday today with Paisley and her father, Justin. What a "darling" family! She was an absolute princess and precious angel modeling my flower crowns (or otherwise what she calls them, tiaras) from Halos by Blythe! Paisley was a pleasure to photograph on this unseasonably warm December Sunday afternoon in Myrtle Beach! She surely was a natural in front of the camera with some minimal direction from her dad. As part of the photo shoot, I purchased this beautiful champagne ballerina style dress with tulle overlay and an attached small gold ribbon bow (For details, please visit www.target.com). Special thanks to Justin Sees for allowing her to partake in the photo shoot! It was a pure joy to photograph her.